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Networking Equipment
EtherNet/IP Scanner/Master
Powerful Scanner interface eliminates the need for a PLC controller on the DeviceNet network; Proven and tested with all PLC manufacturers; Fast copying of cyclic I/O data between the two networks (10-15 ms)
EtherNet/IP Scanner/Master
Fast copying of cyclic I/O data between the two networks (10-15 ms); Powerful Scanner interface eliminates the need for a PLC controller on the DeviceNet network; Proven and tested with all PLC manufacturers
EtherNet/IP Scanner/Master
Fast copying of cyclic I/O data between the two networks (10-15 ms); Powerful Scanner interface eliminates the need for a PLC controller on the DeviceNet network; Proven and tested with all PLC manufacturers
EtherCAT Slave
Proven and tested with all PLC manufacturers; Fast copying of cyclic I/O data between the two networks (10-15 ms)
Proven and tested with all PLC manufacturers; Fast copying of cyclic I/O data between the two networks (10-15 ms); Connected in minutes through a simple configuration. No programming required
Proven and tested with all PLC manufacturers; Fast copying of cyclic I/O data between the two networks (10-15 ms)
DeviceNet Scanner/Master
Proven and tested with all PLC manufacturers; Fast copying of cyclic I/O data between the two networks (10-15 ms)
AS-interface Master
Fast copying of cyclic I/O data between the two networks (10-15 ms); Proven and tested with all PLC manufacturers; Powerful Master interface eliminates the need for a PLC controller on the AS-Interface network
AS-interface Master
Proven and tested with all PLC manufacturers; Powerful Master interface eliminates the need for a PLC controller on the AS-Interface network; Fast copying of cyclic I/O data between the two networks (10-15 ms)
EtherNet/IP Adapter/Slave
Proven and tested with all PLC manufacturers; Fast copying of cyclic I/O data between the two networks (10-15 ms)